Learn PHP the easy way
Welcome to Jump Start - the easiest way to go from zero to PHP developer.
This course is specifically designed for absolute beginners who want to get into PHP programming quickly.
Jump Start will guide you through the basic PHP programming concepts, one step at a time.
By the end of the course, you will be ready to create your own PHP web applications and you will have a solid background to keep improving your skills.
Learning PHP: the easy way.
When you learn something new, the first step is always the hardest.
Learning PHP is no exception. When you approach it for the first time, you are overwhelmed by the amount of things you are supposed to learn.
You have so many doubts, such as:
- Where do I start from?
- What do I need to learn first, and what can I leave for later?
- In which order do I need to learn the language functionalities?
It's easy to find a lot of information online.
But how do you use that information to actually become able to code in PHP?
Well, there is a hard way, and there is an easy way.
The hard way is to try to learn everything at once. For example, watching endless videos that try to explain PHP from A to Z, or going through the whole PHP documentation from start to finish.
This is an inefficient strategy that takes a lot of time and mental energy, and that gives you poor results. Not very interesting, right?
The easy way, on the other hand, is to focus on the information that really matters, so you can gradually grow your skills from the ground up in the correct order.
This way, you give yourself clear and easy-to-reach goals that you can easily achieve.
This is a much more effective strategy that gives you far higher chances to succeed.
Jump Start adopts the easy way, and provides you with exactly what you need to get started.
The goal of this course is not to make you an experienced developer out of the blue (and I encourage you not to trust anyone who promises this).
Instead, it helps you take the first step and go from absolute beginner to PHP developer as easily (and quickly!) as possible.
So, let's move on and let's see how this course is organized.